Safeguarding Trademark Integrity: A Legal Triumph for Dolma Aunty Momos

Dolma Tsering v Mohd Akram Khan and Anr.

In the bustling streets of Delhi, where culinary treasures await at every corner, stands an institution revered by locals and visitors alike: Dolma Aunty Momos. Since its inception in 1994, Dolma Tsering’s modest Momo stall in Lajpat Nagar has been a beacon of authenticity, drawing crowds with its tantalizing Tibetan delicacies and warm hospitality. However, the sanctity of Dolma Aunty Momos faced a grave challenge when an unauthorized entity sought to exploit its established brand identity through trademark infringement.

Legal Proceedings and Court Verdict:

The legal saga unfolded when Dolma Tsering uncovered the registration of a trademark bearing her namesake, “Dolma,” by an individual named Mohd Akram Khan. Despite Tsering’s longstanding use of the trademark and its association with her renowned Momo stall, Khan managed to secure trademark registration in 2018. Fearing dilution of her brand and erosion of market goodwill, Tsering took swift legal action to defend her intellectual property rights.

The legal battle commenced before the Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB) in 2021 but was subsequently transferred to the Delhi High Court following the IPAB’s dissolution. Under the discerning oversight of Justice Anish Dayal, the court meticulously scrutinized the merits of Tsering’s case and delivered a landmark verdict that reaffirmed the sanctity of trademark rights and upheld the legacy of Dolma Aunty Momos.

Central to Tsering’s legal contention was her claim of prior use and association with the “Dolma” trademark, substantiated by compelling evidence such as newspaper clippings and photographs of her momo stall dating back to its inception. This evidence underscored the deep-rooted connection between Tsering, her business, and the contested trademark, bolstering her entitlement to its exclusive use and protection under the law.

Crucially, Khan’s failure to counter Tsering’s allegations of non-use played a decisive role in shaping the court’s decision. In the absence of any rebuttal from Khan, the court was compelled to accept Tsering’s assertions, leading to a favourable ruling in her favour. Justice Dayal’s directive for the cancellation and removal of Khan’s trademark from the Trademarks Register underscored the court’s unwavering commitment to upholding trademark integrity and safeguarding legitimate business interests against unauthorized exploitation.

The ramifications of this landmark ruling transcend the courtroom, resonating throughout the market economy and fortifying the rights of small businesses and individual entrepreneurs. By affirming Tsering’s rights over the “Dolma” trademark, the court not only preserved the unique identity and goodwill associated with Dolma Aunty Momos but also sent a resounding message about the imperative of protecting intellectual property rights in the business landscape.

In a dynamic market environment where brand recognition and reputation are paramount, the court’s decision serves as a beacon of hope for small businesses striving to establish themselves amidst fierce competition. By offering legal recourse against trademark infringement, the ruling empowers entrepreneurs to safeguard their hard-earned goodwill and prevent unauthorized parties from capitalizing on their established brand identities.

Furthermore, Justice Dayal’s mandate for the immediate rectification of the Trade Marks Register and the timely updating of the Registrar of Trade Marks’ website exemplify the court’s proactive stance in enforcing intellectual property rights and ensuring justice for aggrieved parties.


In conclusion, the legal victory achieved by Dolma Tsering in her battle against trademark infringement stands as a significant triumph for individual entrepreneurs and small businesses in India. By upholding the sanctity of trademark rights and protecting established brand identities, the court has bolstered consumer trust, fostered an environment conducive to innovation and competition, and reaffirmed the pivotal role of intellectual property rights in driving economic growth and prosperity.

Through its decisive action, the court has not only preserved the legacy of Dolma Aunty Momos but has also set a precedent for future trademark infringement cases, thereby fostering a more equitable and transparent business environment where innovation thrives, and rightful owners are duly recognized and protected.

Author :-  Susmita Sarkar (Legal Intern)
Aumirah Insights

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